Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Aussie 3 minute miracle frizz remedy review ♡

Hello all,

It's been quite a while since I have done a blog post but I am back now and that won't happen again!

Now I have been using a new conditioner for about a month now whats called Aussie 3 minute miracle frizz remedy and I am in love with it! The first time I used it my hair honestly felt the healthiest it has ever felt in a long time.

What you have to do it wash your hair then you put the conditioner in and leave it in for 3 minutes the rinse it out. Even after you wash it straight out it feels and feels really nice.

The product smells really nice, it's sort of like a bubble gum smell but not to sweet. And the product its self is a really really light peach.

Does it keep your hair from frizzing?
The answer is yes! Honestly since I have used this product my hair has stayed smooth and straight all day. Also I don't wash my hair everyday I was it every other day but on the second day it still smells like how it smelt since I washed it what I has never happened before on my previous conditioners.

Aussie do all sorts of other products like more shampoos and conditioners and I have heard they are great so I will be buying more! I have had this product for a month and a half and I have still not finished my first bottle.

I got the product from boots for £3.80 whats so worth it's money!!

Thankyou for reading my review let me know what else to review.

A few little updates:

  • I am going to start doing DIY posts so comment what you want to see:) 
  • I would like to reach 1.1k on my instagram so follow hannahbenson16 and lifeofbeautyxo
  • I am going to work on a new banner let me know if you have any suggestions 
  • Last but not least I would like to make a series on advice so if you would like to email me some problems my email is hannahbenson16@hotmail.co.uk :)

Love you all and stay beautiful :)